Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Trees 2009

I am OBSESSED with Christmas trees, it seems.

And so I present to you, the Christmas trees of Kinta Valley shopping malls, 2009!

My favorite trees of the bunch, Pavilion. The guys at Pavilion really do know how to splurge.
They do not cease to amaze, every year.

Suria KLCC went for a gingerbread house look. The colors are inviting, and I bet the kids were thrilled. Goodbye, mouldy old tree (see last few years' photos), good riddance.

1 Utama's decoration reminds me a little of Pavilion's.

A small tree from Marks & Spencer in 1 Utama.

Genting Highland is beautiful! Thanks to Yaya who gave me the photos.

Totally loving The Curve's decorations. There were a few huge trees, and a gazebo in the middle with a string quartet performing live. Absolutely beautiful.

Sunway Pyramid.

Ikano Power Centre went for an underwater theme, as weird as it was for me. The kids enjoyed it, nonetheless.

Times Square's tree was not too shabby.

I managed to get a photo of it naked too (read: undecorated. I'm not dirty).

Sungei Wang. Oh look, moving decorative geese. Yay for the unharmonious setting.

Lot 10 does individual trees, every year.

And Low Yat does its giant tree outdoors, every year.

Wangsa Walk (the new shopping mall in Wangsa Maju). I hear there's a much bigger tree outdoors, but I didn't see it.

Aaand that's all folks, hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Introducing - Once

This was the first song that I caught when I changed the TV channel to Star Movies. Didn't think too much about it when I just left it on.

As the movie continued, I was shown a powerful story of love between two people, which was more beautiful than most sugar-coated Hollywood romance movie churned out these few years.

The other strong point of the movie was its music, which was soulful and spoke to me deeply. Days later I'm still listening to the songs I fell in love with.

I could make this blog into a movie review, but I don't want to. Hey, there's always if you're really interested. Suffice to say this movie gem from Ireland (which gave us U2, The Cranberries, The Script...) left me with watery eyes and I never stopped thinking bout it since then.

Ending this with my favorite song of the movie: